Office security


What is office security?


As a rule, your computer or smartphone is connected to the network and is available to anyone who is interested in accessing your information. This is why it is very important for office security that you carefully protect them by only letting those people whom you trust access your data. It is usually easy to overlook all these but sometimes you won’t know how secure or insecure your computer or device is because you might not be looking for intrusion detection software or have forgotten your password. So, always make sure that the computer or device you use is properly secured to prevent access by unauthorized users. The following list shows some examples of how each of your devices can be protected against hackers :

The hardware

In this case, all hardware on the computer or device is considered to be private property thus it is covered by confidentiality, integrity, and non-malware protection. To take care of the computer or device, you need to keep track of any changes and replace the firmware to ensure no malware is installed on the system. If the device fails to work due to the virus infection the software should be reinstalled first to avoid more malware detection problems.

The operating system

Some hackers may try to steal the passwords by modifying the stored passwords in the operating system. When they break down this process, it usually involves modifying other elements of the system such as updating features or removing programs that are no longer needed. However, just like hardware, you can easily uninstall all of the modified parts of the OS before installing another one.

The software

In this scenario, all applications on the computer or device are stored under the same directory. Due to their close proximity, malicious users can easily grab and modify one application and then distribute a Trojan with different functions. These attacks are mostly focused on systems that contain sensitive information such as financial or health records, and so on. For example, hackers can change log files on the computer or modify email senders if needed. In addition, some operating systems include additional servers and storage locations that could be used to store encrypted communications for illegal purposes. Most operating systems are designed for running multiple versions of the same app since once corrupted the computer will crash after some time.

Thus, before using a PC you should carefully install some antivirus apps that enable the automatic installation of new updates or prevent malware from being executed to update an updated version and consequently the compromised version. It should also be noted that most viruses and spyware are created to attack computers via the internet connection, meaning that even if your computer is in Wi-Fi range the chances for attackers to gain access from your mobile phone are quite high. 

Some tools may be able to detect cybercriminals by scanning files located online; additionally, many vulnerabilities can only be detected after they are exploited. Moreover, hackers tend to find new ways to hack computer systems. Take note of this when analyzing your computer if you are unaware of the latest hacking methods used by hackers.

The local storage

When running various programs at once, it is imperative that the server's hard drive is kept away from viruses or malware attacks. All critical information like personal photos, music files, or documents stored on external drives should be backed up regularly to maintain office security. The threat of losing or deleting anything at random is a reason to have backups, especially if the hard drive is exposed by an accident or theft. Taking care of remote backup data is easy if you choose reliable cloud services. Since you are sharing the same physical storage facilities, cyber security threat risks are minimal.

The Internet

In this situation, all devices that connect to any network can be compromised if the hacker has gained access to it without any prior knowledge of its security. Attackers can use different types of techniques to successfully breach the network in one way or another and access all the internal functions of a computer: through direct input into the computer’s main memory, through backdoors in software programs, or through wireless means. Hackers often find that they can circumvent many layers of defense and infiltrate the entire network, especially the servers. 

Therefore, keeping the computer safe from intruders would be a wise decision not to leave your laptop unattended when not working, especially in public places. Use extra security measures to guard your network against hackers and stay safe from privacy invasion.

All these cases are preventable, and it will still be worth remembering what you didn’t know but could do to keep your computer safe. Good luck! See you on the next post and share your thoughts with us in the comments. We invite everyone to contribute and learn from our fellow readers.