What is personal security?


According to the National Institute of Justice and the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, by the year 2030, there will be over 4,000 police officers in the United States — the highest number in history. In other words, you need a little help maintaining yourself as well as protecting others for personal security. A lot depends on your life choices. There are five main things to remember in terms of what to do when it comes to keeping yourself safe— and away from criminals.

Know Your RightsOne of the most important things you can do is know your rights as an American citizen. Of course, that includes knowing those rights you have and do not have any longer. But a lot of issues could be remedied using the same resources available to all Americans (such as the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc.). It’s one thing to understand the rights you are entitled to in every single state, but having them will only protect you if you obey them in practice. You must respect your right to freedom of speech, expression, petition, press, and assembly, and be able to pursue your own interests without undue interference from government officials or private individuals. Allowing someone to violate any of these rights creates unnecessary fear, anger, and frustration that you should never allow someone to take advantage of.

Know Your EnemiesThe key here is to recognize the potential dangers that lurk in the shadows. If you don’t know where you go, who knows where you go, and what is possible to happen, then you don’t really know yourself and shouldn’t let anyone walk on that path. Many people get kidnapped or become victims of violent crime, but they don’t even realize it unless something bad happens to them. Unfortunately, this doesn’t only apply to kidnapping and other cases of theft, there are also countless ways criminals can make your life miserable for personal security.

Know Your Risks: You can never be too careful or secure about what happens with your family, especially in today's world. Even your loved ones can get hurt or killed, so you need to have some good friends and acquaintances within your family whom you trust enough to stay away from. However, one risk that I like to talk about is the threat of chemical poisoning to my grandchildren. To date, we still haven't been sure whether this happens, but this doesn't mean it isn't real. For instance, after our grandfather suffered a severe case of kidney cancer and died a couple of months ago, he didn't even seem to want his grandchildren to play with the fire hydrants. This obviously shows the importance of being careful and keeping the kids away from things that might harm them.

Remembering this can save lives, and can even be helpful to prevent many burglars from entering your home in the future. As soon as the lights go out, the temperature drops and that means the whole house is now probably going to turn on at once. Just remember that while working to safeguard your family, remember that you don't always have to live in terror. With all of the risks associated with living in America, you should try and take care of yourself for your personal security so you can enjoy living here instead of worrying about your neighbors or the criminals at your doorstep.

Thanks for reading.

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