What are the responsibilities of a security person?


Security duty and responsibility as a security person at your working duty poles can be launched. Commercial office buildings can be construction and hospitality so whenever you're working as a security guard there's the responsibility or will bathe same if you're working very proud so why were you working in the whole world.


As security guards responsibility has to be the same so the first thing is considering responsibility protection of people, property, and information. There is security responsibility. First I would like to give you some examples regarding the production of people and pure nudity force you wonder if there are some people who are fighting and you need to approach them and try to stop their fire it will be really good repetition but if you cannot prevent the fighting is really out of controls you need to call immediately to the police and when the police come to authority and they will just trying to stop them. Also, they will solve their problems there is what you call the police for the protection of people this way you protect people you try your heart you try your best but you cannot stop their fighting and you call the immediate police that is why you protect people.

The second thing and this do your patrolling. If you form there is water leakage there is fire and there’s irritation, so, if you find that things and you have three people from the building we'll be fired, then, this is what you are protecting people betray simply this is one to be called protection of people. The second thing is property protection of property. How do you watch the property? For example, you are really patrolling and you find that during your patrolling that there is water leakage or there is a short circuit elected short circuit there is a fire small fire, and then when you would in a small fire. You need to find a pair immediately with an extinguisher with a fire nozzle and you are putting sickly poverty example is that if the world is being liquid there and you call it with maintenance he was salt he will stop the leakage already. So do you patrol you stop you notice that there are finally kids and you call maintenance he came in salt to stop the leakage and really by the problem there is what you are protecting the property and people notice and you just go on and then you are not in the property because it will be with a lot of property?


The third thing is the information or you protect the information. It is like to keep really strange like how you will protect information. For example, you are a security guard and a building and butcher and you are not allowed to spread and share with someone with some weak with the one company formation or policy to another company. This is what you are protecting someone complete information’s. So communication is like computer crime; somebody is telling a story about the data from a computer there is what you are controlling and partitioning you are protecting information.

As a security guard general duty is possible just like to be with highlighting with just mine things at least in a piece of journal information to help you whenever you are working. As a security guard, the first thing spare time Tony exists to control the second thing is observing and reporting during whatever you were your duty post you need to you need to observe all things need to observe and reboot if you observe something rendered something suspicious. Currently, you need to immediately report it to the CCTV control rooms.

The third is keeping good public relationships so, as a security guard, you need to keep a good relationship if you are working in a virtual and you are working commercial building burning construction always needs to be positive behavior. Immediately polite you need to be professional as a security guard. This is what we call keeping good public relations.

The fourth one is responding to emergencies as I discuss here the production of people's property as I discuss what patrolling is you are responding to emergencies all right the fifth one is controlling existing using the alarm system. So whether you are a security guard and you start your duty ability or wherever you need to know how-to exist to sell in the fire alarm. So, you need to know the kind the fire control panel that controls access using an alarm system.

The sixth one is the spatula is a sphere for you to monitor and observe the world's properties if there is anything that can be a buzzer can be properly imaged, but there are people. So you doll this perfection this is what we caught virtually here our topic controls other security Guardian. You are tripping Marshall you are traffic security you need to control the traffic already. You need to have people to move on to move forward and you shouldn’t be tripping. You are the security guard can your duty and the point where you are a traffic controller all right let's say the h1 is planning and recording safety hazards and there is nothing. I think as discussed here as a journalist you need to agree to report to whom you report and there is another if you can do it by yourself.

You cannot do it you need to build a live form. It is related to maintenance which is related to transmitting carpenters it is related to this particular whatever your training and returns except another the last thing is SOP. It should be good today they say SOP me to say and most of the time you will see opine and vulture whatever you're working hotel there is SOP which is a standing operating policy. So this is what you need to be a security guard you need to base what this would be standing operating policies are ready. This is what today our listen was regarding security duty responsibility and then the last easier was Tracy's like security is the more trusted people in the world and every burr the people are really trusted securely.

Thank you